The Dutch artist Denny Stoekenbroek is first and foremost a portrait artist. Beginning with painting about ten years ago, he definitively confirmed his desire to create with drawings. With charcoals, he tries to show the uniqueness of humans in each of his compositions. His realist style unites the natural with a vintage aesthetic taken from black and white photographic portraits. Indeed, the artist is principally interested in the light and its contrasts.  Read more

Sterren op het doek 2023


Op zaterdag 16 december doet Denny Stoekenbroek mee aan het NPO 2 programma Sterren op het doek. In deze aflevering zal Denny Stoekenbroek samen met collega kunstenaars Daria Birang en Liesbeth van Moorsel documentairemaker en journalist Thomas Erdrbink vereeuwigen op het doek. Thomas wint maarliefst 2 keer de zilveren Nipkowschijf voor zijn documentaires over Iran en Afghanistan. In dit seizoen worden ook onder andere Arjen Robben, Olcay Gulsen en Daan Schuurmans vereeuwigd. Benieuwd naar de uitzending? Kijk dan zaterdag 16 december op 20:40 naar Omroep Max op NPO 2.



On Saturday December 16th, Denny Stoekenbroek will partyicipate in the NPO2 program Stars on the Canvas. In this episode, together with fellow artists Daria Birang and Liesbeth van Moorsel, will immortalize documentary maken and journalist Thomas Erdbrink on canvas. Thomas has won the siler Nipkow disk no less that twice for his documentaries about Iran and Afghanistan. Arjen Robben, Olcay Gulsen and Daan Schuurmans, among others are also immortalized in this season. Curious about the broadcast? Then watch Omroep Max on NPO2 on Saturday 16 December at 8:40 PM.

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